Solar Energy FAQs

The following are some questions that are asked regularly. If you don’t see your question here If you want to discuss solar energy further with one of our specialists, reach out to us here, and we’ll be in touch within 24 hours.

  • 1. What Is Solar Energy?

    Solar energy is a clean, renewable source of energy that harnesses particles of sunlight and turns them into usable energy to power homes and commercial structures worldwide. The photons from the sun’s rays, or the particles of light that reach Earth, natural power processes on Earth—solar energy systems utilize solar panels and other methods to convert these particles into energy.

  • 2. How Can Solar Power Work to Power My Home or Business?

    The process by which a solar energy system powers your home is nothing short of amazing. There’s an impressive amount of technology taking place in every solar panel, which is a relatively small space. Most solar energy systems on residential and commercial structures are photovoltaic systems, which convert the sun’s rays with solar panels using the photovoltaic effect. The photovoltaic effect looks something like this: sunlight hits a semiconductor within a solar panel, which is most often made of silicon. This causes electrons to be loosened, generating an electric current sent to the wiring within the panel. This creates a direct current (DC), which is then converted with a solar converter to an alternating current (AC), which matches the currents found in U.S. electrical grids and common household electrical items and appliances.

Financial Benefits of Solar Energy

  • 3. How Much Money Can I Save With Solar Energy Every Month?

    The amount of money you’ll save on energy every month depends largely on whether or not your home is still connected to the grid or if it utilizes a backup battery like Enphase Storage Systems or a Tesla Powerwall. If your home utilizes a backup battery storage system in conjunction with solar panels, you’ll see the greatest savings because your backup battery will store free, clean solar energy that is generated by your system during the day. If you don’t have a backup battery storage system your home will depend on the grid at night and potentially during storms or rain, so you’ll still be subject to energy company rates at those times. Solar energy is a game changer in particular for businesses that spend huge sums on power for large spaces or spaces that demand constant or large amounts of power. Our clients have seen savings of up to 100% on energy bills, and that’s entirely possible for you, too, when you switch to solar with Good Energy.

  • 4. When Will I Start Seeing Savings When I Switch to Solar?

    You’ll start seeing savings as soon as your system is operational, but you’ll notice a difference when you receive your first utility bill after installing your solar energy system. You may see up to 100% savings on your energy bills once you switch to solar.

  • 5. I’m Selling My Home & I have Solar. Is That Beneficial?

    Solar panels can increase the value of your home by up to 15%!

    Note: we work closely with real estate industry professionals if you have further questions!

  • 6. When Filing Annual Taxes

    The federal solar tax credit can reduce the net cost of the solar system by up to 30 percent, the current amount of the credit. Example: For $50,000 of solar that you purchase, you could receive a credit for up to $15,000 on your federal taxes for a max of 3 years!

Consultation & Install

  • 7. I’m Interested & Want to Move Forward with Switching to Solar. How Can I Schedule a Consultation with Good Energy Solar Redefined?

    Great! Contact us via phone Toll-Free: (888-296-1066) or Email: info@goodenergylls.us). One of our Good Energy Specialists will be in touch within 24 hours. We’ll then arrange an energy assessment and consultation, where you can learn about your solar energy options and how solar energy will benefit your property. We’ll also begin discussing financing options and designing your system based on your home/business-specific needs


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